Getting Ready for Asparagus Valley Pottery Trail

April 29th and 30th, 10-5 both days! Online sale begins Friday Noon EST.

The annual Asparagus Valley Pottery Trail is a tour of eight studios with 20+ nationally recognized potters. Easily reached from Boston, Hartford, and the Albany area, the free, self-guided tour winds along the beautiful back roads and scenic historic towns of the Asparagus Valley, a local name for the upper Connecticut River valley of western Massachusetts. The Pottery Trail celebrates the rich agricultural history and cultural vitality of the area, as well as the longstanding connection between pottery and food.

The work tables are filling up for the Trail!

Below are one piece lidded jars in process, and a little video of them drying on the work table. These little jars can be for salt, , spices, jewelry, or any kind of treasure you can think of.

Lucy Fagella

Expertly made porcelain, stoneware and biodegradable cremation urns bu Lucy Fagella

20 Reasons a Handmade Pottery Mug Costs more than a Mug from a Big Box Store


Online Pottery Shopping and the Scarcity Mindset